An ugly evil-looking old woman.
1 So the beldam took her and carried her to the king's door.
2 The old beldam , throwing herself into a chair, fell a blubbering and exclaiming.
3 Let us to supper now, and forget those accursed beldam 's tales.
4 Formerly fate seemed to smile upon me; now she shows herself a scowling capricious beldam .
5 That beldam had him back: she had him fast.
6 You were right, Francisco, it was that beldam Castaldi.
7 Say nothing, for the beldam might be listening!
8 At these words the beldam sprang up.
9 But the beldam foresaw the difficulty.
10 However, I was so diverted with this old beldam and her magnificence, that I made this epitaph for her:
11 There are two of us still to find, and the beldam is already angry with you for uncovering me.
12 Pale beldam , you do not answer; your lips are white, you breathe no more...
13 She would live and die precisely the same bitter old beldam that she was, and nothing could ever assuage her.
14 With yards akimbo, she says unto him scornfully, as the old beldam said to the little dwarf:-"Helpyourself"
15 He has had the devil's luck here, and has been winning everything, whilst his old card-playing beldam of an aunt has been losing.
16 Among the names in which questions stand are E. K. Fordham, Joseph Beldam , senr., Wm.
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