Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along.
Examples for "bolt "
Examples for "bolt "
1 There's food in there, and a good strong bolt on the outside.
2 Siegrist added a middle bolt and took four days to work it.
3 The bolt came free, along with a good chunk of the wall.
4 Critics fear companies may simply choose to bolt to less costly states.
5 We made plans to return the following year with the bolt gun.
1 Captain Charles, I believe you are one of General Le Clerc's aides - decamp .
2 At the beginning of the second act I was obliged to decamp .
3 There was every prospect of a general decamp of all my people.
4 Ditch the HRH, hand back the diamonds and decamp to, say, Malibu.
5 Burglars work silently, and at the least noise decamp , as a rule.
1 Ready to absquatulate all the dragons and rescue you.
2 We're not going to be able to absquatulate from these pirate yaps very easily, that's for sure.
3 I'll absquatulate on the desk.
4 I'm going to absquatulate , see?
5 Absquatulate was a big word, but she understood it, having come across it one day in the Dictionary.
1 Mr Warner said Mr Turei was run off the road on purpose.
2 It was a great effort and we hope to run off that.
3 He was able to run off and has made it to safety.
4 This time he knew Patty wasn't the type to just run off .
5 He wouldn't just run off again, not after what happened last time.
1 She was too young-muchtoo young-muchtoo young-to go off by herself.
2 To understand that, we need to ask what makes food go off .
3 Before Baby left, he would go off for longer and longer times.
4 I didn't want to go off course, so I let things be.
5 The second meeting was to go off in less than ten minutes.
1 Then he would drop everything, and make off in the utmost consternation.
2 Crawford declined to say how much his company would make off
3 If you're planning to make off to Cabo San Lucas, forget it.
4 He would probably make off with some of our best artworks, then.
5 They had soon realized there was money to make off the downtrodden.
1 And then they would abscond from the company of the anguished man.
2 I'm not planning to abscond in the black of night, you know!
3 It's true that cases sometimes proceed when defendants misbehave in court or abscond .
4 Wait till we get to it; otherwise they'll abscond on foot.
5 I'm glad to see that you didn't abscond to Ireland, too.
6 These look-alikes are planning to murder me and abscond with my considerable fortune.
7 Ganic was previously refused bail because of fears he might abscond .
8 All that was possible was to abscond from it as much as possible.
9 To abscond from the responsibility of the things she'd done and who she'd been.
10 This was in harmony with her original suspicion, that he intended secretly to abscond .
11 You could do a lot of damage if you abscond .
12 Now it was necessary to provide a picked crew-menthe least likely to abscond .
13 They managed to abscond with some items of my own.
14 His life was safe if either of these men could be persuaded to abscond .
15 Why would he be here if he intended to abscond ?
16 The men also, upon making sure that Carroll was not intending to abscond , retreated.
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