Have sexual intercourse with.
Examples for "sock "
Examples for "sock "
1 The sock electrode rendered external defibrillation impossible, however, even at 360 J.
2 The single-strap closure and inner sock lining allowed for a great fit.
3 A few times, she has seen Kang clutching a girl's unwashed sock .
4 Twice she crossed the room in search of a little missing sock .
5 All day long, the sock does its frantic routine in the gallery.
1 Is this really a New Year's Eve bash I see before me?
2 Iraq made this year's Oscars bash unusually muted - and mercifully short.
3 I'd heard someone mention Kevin at the Quinn St. Patrick's Day bash .
4 Bridger will be safe, your bash ' , your secret will be safe, everyone.
5 An anonymous source who attended Perry's recent 45th birthday bash told E!
1 Michael flung a marshmallow, and she felt it bop onto her forehead.
2 Always good for a bop , they put your dancing needs at the forefront.
3 An excellent Jazz Messengers hard bop group, it was nevertheless dominated by Hayes.
4 Stop wavin' that long-handled spoon at me, like you goin' to bop me.
5 See if you can find us some be- bop on the FM.
1 Mother would whop me if I came back without the basket again.
2 Then I reckon I'll whop him till he's wore to a frazzle.
3 I've got a right smart good chanct, now, to whop ol' Satan.
4 The whop , whop of the giant rescue chopper ricocheted up the valley.
5 If not, Deets could whop him-Deetswas a good hand-to-handfighter.
1 She fetched my face another whap , a bit harder than the last.
2 To serve the hens, she took a small wooden mallet and gave each shell a sharp whap .
3 But I didn't have time to give it much thought, because I heard the tent flaps whap open behind me.
5 Downchanges from the seven-speed automatic are particularly dramatic, quickly dispatched with a percussive whap of revs as you approach the next bend.
1 But they kept on shouting, and soon we heard a knock - knock - thumpa - thumpa - bonk - bonk nearby.
2 This is a metabolic bonk where you completely run out of energy.
3 Then a lady comes in, I forget who she is, and you bonk .
4 But if you don't do anything else, it just goes bonk .
5 It hit the end of its runners with a hollow bonk .
6 He trips me, and over I go, bonk , against the mat.
7 When they bonk , they need simple sugars because they've used up all their mitochondrial glycogen stores.
8 It was only a last-minute lunchtime bonk , arranged when the racing at Ludlow was called off.
9 Just be prepared for the ice to bonk you in your nose when you taste it.
10 All the ingredients for a good bonk .
11 That explained the bonk and the spang.
12 Every endurance athlete fears the dreaded bonk .
13 They're aware of the self-imposed bonk ban and ask Dean and Tracey if they've started having sex again.
14 It's commonly referred to as the bonk and I can attest to that being no fun at all.
15 Over the years I've seen too many climbers bonk because they were not getting enough calories during the day.
16 The move -dubbed a " bonk ban" by outraged couples -drew widespread criticism throughout the day.
Other examples for "bonk"
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