Bulk material handling component.
The quantity contained in a bucket.
An old decrepit automobile.
Examples for "shed "
Examples for "shed "
1 Nevertheless, recent epidemiological studies have shed more light on this possible association.
2 Our new report attempted to shed some light on this grey area.
3 Despite robust fourth-quarter results, the stock has shed 11 percent this year.
4 The case has also shed light on widespread child abuse in Paraguay.
5 The court case may shed light on the causes of the crash.
1 A second bomb alert has caused major disturbances in Northern Ireland today.
2 Police came under attack during a bomb alert in West Belfast today.
3 The attack forced residents into bomb shelters for several hours yesterday morning.
4 He said Iran was still several months away from a nuclear bomb .
5 In other words: Don't expect a bomb - zapper anytime in the immediate future.
1 Complicated insurance products with suspect terms can wreck retirement plans, Rehl noted.
2 Tories believe the Labour amendments are more likely to wreck the bill.
3 She is concerned a potential downturn could wreck the job market again.
4 None of the Whigs suffered more in the general wreck than Addison.
5 The poor old woman is a wreck in body and in mind.
1 The lemon was squeezed; the girls left the rest in the gutter.
2 However, Argentina has yet to export one lemon to the United States.
3 Squeeze out the amount needed and store the lemon in the ice-box.
4 Vera pinched a lemon free and held it under a neon light.
5 Add some lemon icing or fruit when serving for the best results.
1 We traveled outside New York and visited witches and voodoo people too.
2 This morning, their area of expertise had seemed as exotic as voodoo .
3 Had I incurred some sort of vacation voodoo I wasn't aware of?
4 And Madame Delacroix is one of the best voodoo witches there is.
5 He's still grinning, making some kind of voodoo symbol with his hands.
1 Just as our education system is not a world - beater , neither is healthcare.
2 Add the melted butter and milk, and whisk using an electric beater .
3 The former hospitality worker and panel beater from Newcastle is now 39.
4 When the beater is taken out add one pint of whipped cream.
5 The aspect of Willems as a wife - beater presented to him no interest.
1 Nothing less than a two-verse banger as a response will be tolerated.
2 We're betting it will have a small four - banger , perhaps with a turbo.
3 How does a gang banger get trained like that? Her phone rang.
4 On the podcast today we wonder what makes the best banger ?
5 Imagine if Bernard Herrmann decided to make an acid house banger … Ah, Justice.
1 I found the switch easily, a fist-sized clunker covered in xith'cal scribble.
2 She thought that she could hear Ricki's clunker maneuvering for a parking space.
3 There's even a blinker setting to warn oncoming traffic about your stranded clunker .
4 Now, courtesy of the Pakistan Ordnance Factory, we have this clunker .
5 Man, this was going to be one clunker of a show.
1 The horrid smoke that always came from that rattletrap of a stove!
2 A rattletrap of an old truck passed, windows down, heavy-metal music throbbing.
3 His last chance of surviving this was a rattletrap junkyard refugee.
4 Then followed the sound of a rattletrap of a wagon approaching.
5 Right up there in the pilot house of that rattletrap .
1 She said, I heard the jalopy and I knew it was you.
2 You're driving along in the old jalopy when the wheels fall off.
3 But there he was-ina jalopy - looking car , overflowing with people and household goods.
4 Chester's car is something of a jalopy , a 1978 AMC Pacer.
5 We are watching a well-oiled machine replicating the feeling of a malfunctioning jalopy .
1 That shitbox wouldn't make it halfway up the first hill before it got stuck.
2 The smashed-up Chevy shitbox , still gently steaming.
3 But Johnny Deepenau is dead, and the keys to his little shitbox trailer are hanging up in his locker.
4 All we got for Buddy was fat clothes, some food, and three months' room and board in this shitbox .
5 "I stole that shitbox for the sole purpose of this transaction," he said.
1 And if I'm not mistaken it was that witch Fang's old rustbucket !
2 Brady parks behind Ma's rustbucket Honda, which needs a new exhaust system, new points, and new plugs.
3 Or even my dear Raymobile started out shiny in the Ford showroom & today it is a junkyard rustbucket .
4 RM's headquarters consisted of a rustbucket trailer augmented by a tent annex with a frequently willing Babette Bardot ensconced inside.
1 After endless looping around blocked-off streets in my hooptie rental, I land a parking spot and see mecca-theTime Warner arena.
2 We waved goodbye to the Hooptie as it high-centered its way toward pavement and crowds and solid rock.
3 The road didn't really get rough until a fork several miles further, but the Hooptie was proving to be even lamer than I'd remembered.
4 Beyond the highway, we turned onto some mellow dirt roads, taking it slow, but eventually noticed that we hadn't seen the Hooptie for a while.
1 The house was a rattle trap , plastering off, and a regular bed-bug nest.
2 My troubadour, we are two old rattle traps .
1 If ye crash this rust bucket the two of us are fucked.
2 No doubt this decrepit old rust bucket had been stolen just for tonight's purpose, too.
3 Compared with the giant rust bucket he'd been riding for four years, it seemed like heaven.
4 The old rust bucket overheated just outside Fontana, and I burned my hand when the radiator geysered over.
5 We'd just traded a Hummer for a rust bucket that probably wouldn't go fifty miles, much less five hundred.
1 "Barrel's a bucket of rust . "
1 This death trap caught many a victim and will catch many more.
2 She may have power enough to hop us outa this death trap .
3 That Lee was walking into a death trap he was morally sure.
4 Because he knew: that fragment of a ship was a death trap .
5 You walked into that death trap knowing you had no way out.
Other meanings for "bucket" 1 They call themselves 'the bucket list family' for a very good reason.
2 Thou sattest in one bucket beneath in the pit in great dread.
3 But first, hoist me up a bucket of sea water, will you?
4 A few minutes later Kote returned with a bucket of soapy water.
5 Is participating in an obstacle course race on your fitness bucket list?
6 The innkeeper brought a second bucket of hot water, then a third.
7 Her words doused my anger faster than a bucket of ice water.
8 He was back in a few minutes carrying a bucket of water.
9 Within days, two people had used GPS receivers to find Ulmer's bucket .
10 He found some potato peelings in a bucket in the back kitchen.
11 Most days I had to grind a second bucket in the afternoon.
12 General Ashley and Kit Carson had brought in a bucket of them.
13 April returned with the bucket and flung water on the remaining flames.
14 How to put out a fire at sea without a bucket ... hmm.
15 For my toilet I went to the bucket in the stable yard.
16 Soon, however, a man came bringing a rope and a leathern bucket .
Other examples for "bucket"
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Bucket across language varieties