Cry loudly, as of animals.
Examples for "howl "
Examples for "howl "
1 Soon afterward, a flash and howl spoke eloquently of interesting events outside.
2 No; its repetition told us what it was - the howl of the prairie-wolf.
3 But the boys in khaki jam the theater and howl their approval.
4 That said, they're also going to howl if it's just boringly rote.
5 The work is the Australian composer's howl of rage at environmental destruction.
1 Yet he kept thinking of that yowl he'd heard in the night.
2 How on earth did you manage that, I hear you collectively yowl .
3 The fetch let out another shrieking yowl and bounded almost straight up.
4 The boy from the North End let out a yowl of pain.
5 Then it gave a fearful yowl , and bounded out of the door.
1 Richie stretched out as far as he could, hearing It scream and yammer .
2 They could hear the constant mayoral yammer through his office door.
3 His ears filled with the screech and yammer of many rats.
4 It remembered a hunt long past - the yammer of hounds as it fled mounted archers.
5 He was meditating these things when a shrill yammer recalled him to the house.
6 Or do I have to keep hearing you yammer ?
7 You'd just gape at the man and yammer .
8 I hae my orders, and the Queen o' Sheba might yammer and be no' the gainer!
9 I mean, how long can big diplomats yammer on about some court case or even a massacre?
10 But earlier, even the mega-long-winded Colin Farrell got to yammer on as long as he wanted to.
11 The tired faces yammer for another ditty.
12 To be sure it does yammer constantly-thatcan't be denied; and it is uncommonly small-nobodycan dispute that.
13 Shouting over the hammering yammer of Friday night in Manhattan, we discuss freedom -or America's idea of it.
14 Used to talk big when he was in his cups, yammer on about his glory days with the mob.
15 Then I recognised the noise the power tool was making, the crunching yammer of a chainsaw cutting into wood.
16 And over everything came the incessant yammer of voices saying nothing, radios blaring, television babbling, and vending machines shouting.
Other examples for "yammer"
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