Pierce with a sharp stake or point.
Examples for "spike"
Examples for "spike"
1Recent months have seen a spike in violence linked to Nigerian gangs.
2However, the spike in new cases has thrown the plan into doubt.
3The country introduced the new laws following a spike in measles cases.
4Some parts of the country have seen a recent spike in cases.
5He called it 'gear' and referred to the hypodermic as a 'spike'.
1The spiked wooden ball swishes from tree canopy to impale support cast.
2He ordered Watts out of his presence, and threatened to impale him.
3You I'll have to impale and wait until you are truly dead.
4WINDOM: Define stab... spear, gore, impale, pierce, ram, stick, lance... That's it!
5Do you remember how long it takes to impale a man?
1One five-foot, iron-headed dart from these machines could transfix several armored men.
2The great, solemn eyes transfix him with a look he cannot meet.
3But know that through my breast you must strike and transfix him.
4When Lugare saw it, he stood like one transfix'd by a basilisk.
5Bewilderment, shot with a gleam of half-incredulous understanding, seemed to transfix him.
1There at least he would be safe from the hard, inquisitive eyes which empaled him.
2"Well, it wasn't right for her to say it," said Anne, promptly deciding upon which horn of this dilemma to empale herself.