The occurrence of a sudden discharge (as of liquid)
Gush forth in a sudden stream or jet.
1The national spirt of the subject races was completely crushed.
2A spirt of water had jerked over the boat's side.
3A rollicking spirt was his own fullest stock-in-trade, and it won him like a brother.
4What's happened to make little Sunshine spirt up so?
5They spirt no more the blood of European nobles, they clasp no more the necks of queens.
6He checked a spirt of exclamations.
7In place of it comes a spirt of steam from the railway viaduct, and the whistle of an engine.
8The signal is given, and seven hundred guns begin a conversation fit to make the blood spirt from your ears.
9There was a spirt or two of rain during the night, but not enough to find out the leaks in our roof.
10His breath came quick, and a spirt of blood jerked from a sliced cut in his forehead at every pump of his heart.
11A slight spirt of water came through the regulating cock at the same instant, as if the dead cat had spit in his face.
12After this pretty spirt, we were rationed with pork, beef, and bread for three days, and ordered to be ready to march on the instant.
13When he came to the place, the water was spirting out everywhere.
14It struck him on the forehead, and the blood spirted from the wound.
15On stormy days it spirts out furiously in thin continuous streams.
16He sent out quick spirts of smoke rolling into big volumes.