A disposition free from stress or emotion.
Examples for "quieten "
Examples for "quieten "
1 She breathed deeply to quieten it, but it would not stay still.
2 For the short term, however, Next's analysis should quieten the scaremongers.
3 The visitors will look to quieten the crowd in the first fifteen minutes.
4 Australia need to quieten the crowd, and they are doing a decent job.
5 It's rather as … Things are beginning to quieten down a little here.
1 Here's what may tranquillise every care, and lift the heart to rapture!
2 The plan had been to tranquillise the female tiger, called T-1.
3 She saw that Ida was powerfully moved, and she wanted to tranquillise her.
4 Had he come back there to embrace and tranquillise them both?
5 The majority must put an end to all agitation in England, and tranquillise Ireland.
1 We arrange him, and lay him straight, and tranquillize the horrible masks.
2 But, dear friend, indulge the weakness of a dying woman; tranquillize my mind.
3 But she saw nothing to inspire fears-indeedthere was much to tranquillize them.
4 She was trying to tranquillize her mind, which Mrs. Lindsay's news had disturbed.
5 It will tranquillize her to feel how completely she possessed his heart-poorfellow!
1 In his defense he had no plans to tranquilize her again today.
2 It was evidently difficult for Mrs. Ivy to again tranquilize her spirit.
3 We don't tranquilize them at night or restrict them to their rooms.
4 Officials made the decision to kill the animal rather than tranquilize him.
5 Orgasms flood the body with endorphins that kill pain and tranquilize you.
1 Officials said they expected the coming days would see trading calm down .
2 The idea that things are going to calm down any time soon.
3 But of course, telling yourself to calm down doesn't do any good.
4 People too jacked up, right when I needed things to calm down .
5 I was in a passion-itwas wrong of me; now calm down .
Characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity.
Другие значения термина "quiet" 1 With America's help, Europe has taken a long, quiet step toward normality.
2 None had used the classic 'serial killer' soubriquets of ' quiet ' or 'withdrawn'.
3 Central, roomy, and quiet ; the most advanced Restaurant in the Vegetarian Movement.
4 However, the legal reform task force has gone quiet in recent months.
5 All was again quiet in the street; the violin was also silent.
6 In 1906 they helped quiet the uprising of that summer in Cuba.
7 Europe will be very quiet this year, John Studzinski told Reuters Insider.
8 There was something sinister in the quiet that reigned in the room.
9 The room went stone quiet for the second time in ten minutes.
10 The sector proved to be very quiet and the trenches exceptionally good.
11 The quiet voice cut into every conversation; the musicians lowered the instruments.
12 The house became very quiet ; the snow brushed softly against the windows.
13 The village was sunk in the quiet of the great equatorial sun-heat.
14 The drip-drip of water from the faucet sounded loud in the quiet .
15 He looked oddly vital and alive in the subdued and quiet room.
16 The Union people were quiet and law-abiding; the Secessionists active and unscrupulous.
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