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The prognosis of infants with truncus arteriosus associated with severe truncal valve insufficiency is quite poor.
In the current era interrupted aortic arch is no longer a risk factor for repair of truncus.
Conclusion: Despite the magnitude of the operation, excellent results can be achieved in complex forms of truncus arteriosus.
Objective: Truncal valve regurgitation and interrupted aortic arch have frequently been identified as risk factors in the repair of truncus arteriosus.
Congenital heart diseases such as single ventricle, truncus arteriosus, transposition of the great arteries and tetralogy of Fallot are also associated with aortic medial abnormalities.
The first human mutations in GATA6 were described in a cohort of patients with persistent truncus arteriosus, and the phenotypic spectrum has expanded since then.
Results: Model-estimated risk of major complications ranged from 1.0% for simple procedures to 38.2% for truncus arteriosus with interrupted aortic arch repair.