An edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland.
Produce buds, branches, or germinate.
A sharp hand shovel for digging out roots and weeds.
1Not that any given spud is ever such a paragon of form.
2Tom made the spud synthesiser for recent play The Potato Stamp Megalomaniac.
3Borr Drilling Frigg has a spud can diameter of approximately 60 feet.
4The dredger cuts by swinging on a center spud 16 in.
5Doesn't do a thing nowadays but dig in the garden with a spud.
6No hostile forms with axe or spud now visit these solitudes.
7In his hand he held a spud, and he wore gauntleted gardener's gloves.
8Ora thinks and stares at the large spud lying semi-peeled in her hand.
9I was afraid to ask for an extra spud, for fear of further rejection!
10And do some types of spud have more than others?
11He was happier with a spud and a watering-can among his orchids and chrysanthemums.
12Sounds like he plans to dissect me with a clinkering-spud.
13I had it in mind he was still a spud.
14The spud is one of those unheralded bedrocks that make us what we are.
15It was around for centuries before the spud appeared on our shores, he says.
16It's a great mystery how that lonely little spud got into such bad company.